An Interview with Alessandro Silvestri, about Keim photocatalytic paint

Today we are with Alessandro Silvestri, the CEO of Keim, a German company that produces very special paints from the point of view of environmental protection. Alessandro, can you tell us about the origins of this ancient company? Keim is a company that has been around for over 145 years. It all began with the […]

AZIONEeREAZIONE, a show with the singer-songwriter CAMIN


The show AZIONEeREAZIONE, conceived by Paolo Fanini, created with images, words, and the poetic sound suggestions of the singer-songwriter CAMIN, takes the stage, among the activities proposed by the festival SONG OF THE EARTH | IL CANTO DELLA TERRA, Friday, October 18 at 9:00 pm, with a preview at 10 am for the schools. Friday, October […]

SUSTAINABLE CREATIONS Ecological Art from the Netherlands

Sustainable Ceations

SUSTAINABLE CREATIONS, an exhibition of works by Dutch artists that unites art and sustainability opens on September 28th at the Rovereto Civic Library, launching the preview events for the IL CANTO DELLA TERRA | SONG OF THE EARTH festival, dedicated to climate change and sustainability. Rovereto is turning green. From September 28th to October 20th, […]

Perovskite Solar Panels: Revolutionizing Renewable Energy

perovskite solar panels

Perovskite solar panels: a groundbreaking discovery promises to make solar energy more accessible and sustainable than ever before. Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed an highly innovative technology that could radically transform the way we produce energy: perovskite solar panels. These new panels are incredibly thin and flexible, so much so that they […]

A Vegan Diet Rich in Plant-Based Proteins

vegan diet plant-based proteins

More and more people are choosing to eliminate meat from their diet. But how can you ensure you’re following a vegan diet rich in plant-based proteins? Let’s discover together the foods richest in plant-based proteins and how to incorporate them into your healthy diet. Introduction A vegan diet is no longer just a niche choice. […]

The Mediterranean Sea is overheated: another sign of climate crisis


Our sea is heating up at an alarming rate. Recent scientific findings confirm what experts feared: the Mediterranean Sea is going through a climate crisis, and has reached record temperatures in recent days, far exceeding the averages of the last few decades. The consequences of this phenomenon are numerous and worrying, with significant impacts on […]