Escursione e chiacchierata sui cambiamenti climatici con gli esperti Francesco Festi, botanico della Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto, e Lorenzo Giovannini, professore associato del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Meccanica dell'Università di Trento.
Departure from Malga Valli at 9 am, lunch at the Lancia refuge, return to the cars at 4:30 pm. Length of the route 13 km, difference in altitude 600 meters. Mountain footwear and clothing are required to participate in the excursion.
Free participation. Registration at 3491208923 (Marco) or 3402244701 (Gigliola). Upon registration, you can book lunch à la carte at the Rifugio Lancia. Event organized by SAT Vallarsa and Associazione Tra le Rocce e il Cielo, in collaboration with Fiera Fa’ La Cosa Giusta.
Mostra di opere di artisti olandesi che creano arte con materiali ecologici. Rayden Elodie (Search Of Beauty), YorkOne, Sket185, Alex Cattoi, Gerome Bech e G. Moret presentano le loro opere, in risonanza con il tema centrale del festival Song of the Earth, invitandoci a riflettere sul nostro rapporto con la natura e a immaginare un futuro più sostenibile.
Evento organizzato dall'Associazione Tra le Rocce e il Cielo in collaborazione con la Biblioteca Civica G.Tartarotti
leggi di più qui
G.Tartarotti Civic Library | corso Bettini 43, Rovereto (Google Maps)
Scopriamo luoghi di proprietà collettiva del passato e del presente, evidenti e nascosti, assaggiando sapori insoliti legati a ciò che questi luoghi e paesaggi ci raccontano. Cosa erano, cosa sono e cosa potrebbero diventare. La passeggiata, ai Lavini di Marco (Rovereto), sarà accompagnata da degustazioni culinarie a cura di Chiara Mura e Giacomo Lorandi, due appassionati di cucina che amano indagare il legame tra cibo, territorio e persone. Insieme ci accompagneranno a scoprire i sapori inesplorati di questi territori, il rapporto che le persone avevano con i prodotti che la terra produceva e come questo è cambiato nel tempo.
Di Chiara Mura, Giacomo Lorandi and Flora Mammana (La Foresta).
Il laboratorio è cofinanziato dalla Stazione Trasformazione, sostenuto da EU-Initiative, e coordinato dal Comune di Rovereto con i partner Comunità della Vallagarina, La Foresta, TrentinoSocialTank, Sociologia Unitrento, BraveNewAlps, AlpineCommunityEconomies, EuropeConsulting, BinarioNovantacinque, CampoMarzio, Name, FSItaliane, ed è organizzato e sostenuto dall'Associazione Tra le Rocce e il Cielo in collaborazione con Fiera Fa' la Cosa Giusta..
The route of the walk is about 2 km long and is slightly sloping, mostly on asphalt roads. There will be various breaks along the way. The path is not suitable for strollers. Comfortable shoes, a bottle of water and clothing suitable for the weather conditions are recommended.
Meeting and arrival point: 38068 Rovereto TN – Lavini di Marco (Google Maps)
Mandatory registration by September 25, 2024 at 3339966778.
Il maximum number of participants is 15 people. All tastings are vegetarian. Please communicate any intolerances at the time of registration. Suggested free offering from 10-15€.
During the workshop, the second classes of the Depero High School of Rovereto create 10 large paintings on an environmental theme using the biological photocatalytic paint of the KEIM company, which absorbs environmental pollution.
The workshop is led by Rayden Elodie (Search of Beauty) with the collaboration of YorkOne and the WeInk Association.
The workshop is organized by the Tra le Rocce e il Cielo association with the G. Tartarotti Civic Library, the Depero Art High School of Rovereto and the Weink association.
Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the Earth’s climate system through simple, hands-on and engaging scientific experiments. They will help you discover scientific phenomena such as sea level rise, ocean circulation and ocean acidification. Immerse yourself in fun activities and reconstruct the infinite relationships and connections that make our planet’s climate so unique and precious.
Practical workshop by students of the F.Filzi high school of human sciences in Rovereto, organized by the Tra le Rocce e il Cielo Association in collaboration with the Rovereto Library.
Belli Hall, Palazzo Alberti Poja | Corso Bettini, Rovereto (Google Maps)
A show conceived by Paolo Fanini, realised with images, words and poetic sound suggestions of the singer and songwriter CAMIN.
Organised by the Tra le Rocce e il Cielo Association, in collaboration with Relab Video (Ass. Ubalda Girella).
CAMIN – voce e chitarra
Davide Rosestolato – chitarre
Giacomo Barchetta – basso
Daniele Volcan – batterie e percussioni
Francesco Cannito – pianoforte e tastiere
Ingresso gratuito con registrazione qui
More info qui
Youth Center – Smart Lab, V.le Trento, 47/49, 38068 Rovereto TN (Google Maps)
The 10 canvases made with KEIM photocatalytic ecological paints by the students of the Depero High School during the I PAINT THE WORLD GREEN workshop, are exhibited during the three days of the FA’ LA COSA GIUSTA fair, dedicated to an economy that is more attentive to people and the environment.
Organised by the Tra le Rocce e il Cielo Association, in collaboration with the Fa’ La Cosa Giusta Fair.
Trento Expo, Via di Briamasco, 2, 38122 Trento TN (Google Maps)
Let’s dive together with the miller Paolo into the stories that lie behind this still-functioning water mill.
During this collective experience, we will get our hands dirty with Flora from Forno Vagabondo and together we will prepare sticks to cook bread on an open fire. An activity open to everyone and suitable for the littlest people.
A workshop by Flora Mammana (La Foresta) in collaboration with the Centro Studi Museo Etnografico di Vallarsa.
Il laboratorio è cofinanziato dalla Stazione Trasformazione, sostenuto da EU-Initiative, e coordinato dal Comune di Rovereto con i partner Comunità della Vallagarina, La Foresta, TrentinoSocialTank, Sociologia Unitrento, BraveNewAlps, AlpineCommunityEconomies, EuropeConsulting, BinarioNovantacinque, CampoMarzio, Name, FSItaliane, ed è organizzato e sostenuto dall'Associazione Tra le Rocce e il Cielo in collaborazione con Fiera Fa' la Cosa Giusta.
Free participation with mandatory registration by September 25, 2024 at 3339966778.
Frazione Arlanch, 8, 38060 Arlanch TN (Google Maps)
Hiking trail suitable for everyone on the IL RESPIRO DEGLI ALBERI trail in Lavarone, with a final view of Lake Caldonazzo. During the walk you can observe the works created with natural materials by various artists, who have combined art and nature with weaves, joints and carvings.
Event organized by SAT Vallarsa and Associazione Tra le Rocce e il Cielo with the collaboration of Fiera Fa’ la Cosa Giusta.
Hiking trail suitable for everyone on the IL RESPIRO DEGLI ALBERI trail in Lavarone, with a final view of Lake Caldonazzo. During the walk you can observe the works created with natural materials by various artists, who have combined art and nature with weaves, joints and carvings.
38046 Lanzino, Autonomous Province of Trento (Google Maps)
Free participation. Registration at 3491208923.
is an Italian-Dutch artist who finds his inspiration in the forms of nature, the earth, in the imaginary world linked to ancient civilizations and worlds that have now disappeared, experimenting with different artistic techniques and different types of materials. A fundamental theme in his work is the contact between man and Nature, increasingly fragile due to our loss of consciousness and lack of respect for our origins.
is a singer-songwriter and musician from Trentino, Italy, born in 1988, with a degree in Environmental Science and Technology and later in Forestry and Environmental Science from the University of Padua. He entered the world of music very early, at the age of 8, learning to play an old 12-string guitar. In 2011, he graduated from CET, Mogol’s school, after attending the pop music composition course.
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